Sunday 5 April 2015

Magazine Advert 1

This was the original version, however after I had posted it on here, I had an idea that I could fade the writing slightly to make it fit in with the image as the image is also slightly faded/blurred. Below is the second version once I had done this.

This is the second version of my music magazine advert is with faded writing similar to background, this therefore helps it fit the specific genre. I also felt that it made the writing in the bottom right hand corner stand out more, meaning the audience would immediately notice this, which would be beneficial as it is telling them that SBTRKT have a new single out. In the bottom left hand corner is the music record labels sign, I included this as it makes the piece look professional and from previous research, have found most posters include the artists music record label sign.

I chose to design it in the way I did because I felt that it made sense and linked back to how I pictured our music video to look. The location of the music video is going to be in a woods and one of the shots shows our artist running out onto a dark lonely road, which links back to my magazine advert as there are forests on either side of the road. This therefore is intertextuality between my two media products, as there is an obvious link between the different media products (magazine advert, digipack and music video). The colours used are also carefully thought about and link back to the music video. The dark and gloomy looking woods and road link in with the music video as the location we filmed our music video in is very dark and gloomy too. Also the red text stands out against the background, meaning it catches the attention of the audiences and therefore makes them read it. The colour red also has connotations to blood and passion, this links in with the eary and strange vibe that we are trying to give off in our music video.

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