Friday 3 April 2015

Magazine Advertisment 2- Drake

Unlike the previous advert, this immediately shows what the advert is promoting. It is promoting the release of Drake's new song, 'Nothing was the Same'. By doing this, it allows audiences to immediately understand what the advert is promoting. Also it allows for audiences who are just quickly scanning through the magazine to notice the advert and take in the key bits of information, without paying to much attention. Also it may grab there attention, and make them stop and take there time to read it. By keeping the advert simple, it allows people who are in a rush or even people who maybe aren't Drake's biggest fan to still take an interest as it is quick and easy to read and understand.

Also the large font size shows the release date of the song. This is in white text colour, which is a complete contrast to the background making it stand out and become very obvious to the audience. By doing this it ensures that the audience does notice the release date. In turn, the artist will then hope the audience will remember the date, and upon release date, go out and buy the track. This will then make money for the artists, being the overall aim of this advert.

The image used is a side photo of Drake and another image of a younger looking Drake. They are facing each other, making it look as though they are looking at each other. The background is blue and white, made to look like the sky. The image of Drake and the other image are put in front of this and make it stand out. There isn't much to this magazine advert, but it is very to the point and direct in trying to promote the new single of Drake's.

The advert is very simple and to the point. This means that to an audience it is straight away very obvious what the advert is about. It is effective because it means it doesn't take much to understand it, meaning the audience will engage straight away without giving to much thought about it.

It is interesting to see how different artists promote there new singles or albums. By looking at different advertising campaigns it helps me build up a good idea of key things to include on advertisement for my artist and techniques that will ensure the best possible chance of people watching the music video that will be the main end product and aim of the advertisement. Also it allows me to understand things I should avoid using. From this magazine advert, the main thing I have noticed is the simplicity, and is something that I will consider when producing a magazine advert for the music video I am creating. By doing this, it makes the advert very easy to interpret, ensuring my target audience notices and reads it.

Drake reveals 'Nothing Was The Same' album tracklist

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