Thursday 2 April 2015

Analysis of Magazine Advertisement: SBTRKT

This is a magazine advertisement I found of our particular artists called 'SBTRKT'. The idea of this magazine ad is to make people aware of the artist. This magazine ad was released when this artist first started, therefore is in a very niche magazine, called Fact. The idea of this would to have been to target a specific market, which would of allowed for the artists music to be heard, by people who have an interest in this particular music. Over time, the artist has became well known and developed his image, now we can find magazine advertisements in larger, more well known music magazines such as NME, Q and MOJO.

The image in this advert is of SBTRKT's trademark mask. The mask has various colour on it and also has what looks like straw coming off the bottom of the mask, and is made to look like a beard. Also we can see the shadow cast from STBTRKT's figure, leasing to the words 'The Small Disea' , which is a refrence to an album of his. By having the shadow leading to the first word, it means it makes the attention of the audiences eye go to these words. Also the contrasting red colour stands out against the dark coloured background, again making the words stand out to the  audience.

We can also see alcoholic beverages in the background, it looks like vodka and lime, which could suggest the album may be related to alcohol or just be a stereotype of SBTRKT.

The advert in general is very simple, and leaves a lot to the imagination of the audience. This therefore means the audience can interpret the advert as they like, meaning that when they listen to the album, it may lead to varying degrees of satisfaction, as it may not have been what the audience expected, or equally could be more than they expected, leaving the audience happy. Overall, I think that this advert could be improved, however I can take some ideas from the advert.

The Positives:
  • It is simple meaning that it is easy to follow and understand, this connotes that the music on the album may also be quite simple and relaxed.
  • It uses artist endorsement, this is something that me and my group could consider doing on our magazine adverts.
  • The shadow leading to the album name is a clever idea, and something we could use in our magazine advert.
The Negatives:
  • Very basic, could maybe do with a little more detail to make it clearer to the audience exactly what it is that the magazine advert is advertising.
  • The album name isn't the clearest, could do with being in a larger font as after all, this is the main purpose of the advert to make people aware of the new album so that they are aware of it and in turn go and buy it.
  • There isn't any other important information, regarding the release date of the album or where it can be purchased.

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