Sunday 2 November 2014

Textual Analysis of Whole Music Video- Beyonce: Single Ladies

The music video that I am analyzing is Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' music video. It was released on October 12th 2008. It was directed by Jake Nava. The music video mainly categorizes and fits into the R&B genre, and could also be considered to fit into the sub genre of dance pop.

From the beginning, we see the music video contains Beyonce, and two other woman in black leotards dancing to her song 'Single Ladies'. They are also wearing black heels. This makes them look very glamorous and could be interpreted to be quite sexual. The whole music video is a performance type, of which consists of Beyonce and her two other backing dancers, dancing to the whole song.

The music video is set  in a filming studio. The entire music video is filmed against a white background, and the music video has effects on it to make it look black and white. The setting is very simple and ensures that no attention is taken away from the singer and her two other dancers. By having a simple background, the audiences eyes don't get distracted, and are permanently on the dancers. Beyonce is always the central dancer, this is connoting her power, and connoting the idea that she is the most important lady there, and therefore is the 'center of attention'.

The only props used in the music video is the small ring that Beyonce has on her finger, which is used to link the lyrics to the music video, and therefore matches Goodwin's theory that lyrics go with what we can see.

There are many different editing techniques used throughout the music video. The music video uses basic cuts, jumping from one scene to another very quickly. Also the music video at the beginning uses a fade in, the screen is black but then the image of Beyonce and her dancers fades in. Also there is quite a lot of basic camera movements in the music video. The music video includes pans, when we see the camera panning around the dancers. Also the music video uses zooms to enhance the music video and enhance the emphasis of Beyonce being the most important in the music video. This is because when this happens, the camera zooms in and out, getting close ups of Beyonce, but never once gets a close up of any of the other dancers. This again connoting the importance of Beyonce in comparison to the other dancers. The main camera shots throughout are long shots, which allow us as an audience to see everything that is happening in each shot. We also see some close ups and some mid shots but the majority is long shots.

Mid Shot 
Long Shot (Also shows Three Shot)
The use of the three shot is in use almost the whole time (as there are three people in one shot). The male gaze theory could be in place in this music video, although there are no shots that actually suggest this completely, throughout the woman are wearing very little and dancing in such a way that could imply this and mean that this argument could be valid. The music video uses effects that mean it is black and white throughout. This could have connotations with regards to the name of the song, suggesting that the white is showing the emotion and feelings behind getting married while the colour black is usually linked with negative things, and could be suggesting that if the man has missed his chance to 'put a ring on it', meaning he has missed his chance to marry the lady he shouldn't be upset or sad.

Example of where Male Gaze Theory could be introduced. 
Male Gaze Theory could be used here too.
Throughout the music video, the main theme is Beyonce dancing to her song. However, unlike other videos such as PSY 'Gangnam Style' she isn't trying to make other people remember the dance for the song. Instead, she is showing and telling the audience that she can dance. This is a way of attracting audiences as people may enjoy watching this, as females may aspire to be like her, and may see her as a role model while males may enjoy watching it due to her being seen as an attractive woman.

The music video is very catchy, as it makes people want to watch it as the dance routine she does it good. It is a very simple music video that is purely a dance performance throughout. Audience could see the video as feminist as the outfits chosen are very revealing and show lots of Beyonce's body, however this shows she is confident and powerful figure and connotes that she isn't phased by what others think.

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