- Hypodermic Needle Theory is a theory that suggests, ideas that the media pose are directly injected and consumed by the audience. An example would be when a newspaper is telling the audience who to vote for.
- Two Step Flow Model is a theory that suggests the audience aren't directly influenced by the media. Instead the theory says that individuals are influenced by them who surround them who they look up to and admire (an example being a friend). An example of this would be someone watches a music video, they say they like it, and in turn the person who looks up to them would then go and watch it, and agree, even if they didn't like it that much. This is based around the idea people can be influenced by others who they look up to and admire.
- Cultural Effects Theory approaches the idea of media influencing it's audiences very differently. This theory suggests that media does influence people, however it is a slow process that builds up over time by consuming more and more of a certain idea that the media is pushing. An example of this would be that the world is heating up by Global Warming. The audience then starts to believe this over time as more and more articles and opinions on this matter are shared in the media. However, we don't know this for fact and it could just be that we are going through the geological time scale and we are always changing temperature as we pass through stages in the geological timeline.
- Uses and Gratifications Model argues that the audiences use media as a way of meeting needs. There are four main stages that this model says people need, they are:
- Information
- Personal Identity
- Social Interaction
- Entertainment
The theory suggests an audience watches media products in order to fulfill one or more of these things.
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