Monday, 17 November 2014

Analysis of Digipack from a Different Genre: Ed Sheeran '+' Album

This is the front cover for Ed Sheeran's album +. Also there is an image of the CD as well. The first thing that I notice when about the digipack is its brightly coloured. This means it catches peoples eyes and helps grab there attention, in the hope that they will then buy it. It could also be a way of including light comedy; maybe referring to Sheeran's hair colour.

On the left hand side we can see that he has his name on the spine. This is clearly visible and means that people are instantly aware who's CD it is. Also the use of the image of himself on the front of the CD case means that it is another way of making the audience aware of who's CD it is. Also this is a USP of the album cover that could make people want to buy it. This image was actually a drawing by a person called 'Phillip Butah'. By having the image, it uses artist endorsement to help support the sales of his CD and also can be a marketing technique by attracting female audiences. Also the image is drawn to make it look like Ed is looking at the audience, or giving direct eye contact, making it seem like he is looking at you, which can help to grab the audiences attention.

The album name is in the bottom right hand corner. This is actually quite small and in an unusual place. Usually the album name is clearly visible and the main things on the cover, however in this instance it isn't. The simplicity of this album name reflect the type of music Sheeran produces and gives an expectation to what the audience can expect. Ed Sheeran has released his newest album which is called 'X' meaning maybe there is a link between the previous album and this one, meaning could  expect a very simple album name for his next album.

In the bottom left we can see some well known single names that are on the album, this gives the audience an example of some of the songs included on the album and can make them want to buy the CD in anticipation of more good music like these songs. Also it informs the audience of bonus materials that they can look forward to by putting the CD into the computer, making them want to buy the album rather than using other sources to listen to the music, for example spotify, sound cloud or YouTube. The reason for this is that the artist makes more money from people buying the album than they would from people streaming there music on other platforms.

The CD itself is black. This is a contrast to the bright orange. Also it means that the album name that is in orange on the top of the CD stands out. This informs the user the album title instantly.

It also has writing on the edge of it, this tells the audience about the record label, publishers and warns the user that the CD is copyrighted and is not allowed to be illegally copied or broadcasted.

The back of the album cover has the track list on it, giving the audience information of all songs on the CD. It also includes record dealer information along with website. The back cover follows stereotypical conventions and is as we would expect it to be with numbers and track lists next to each other. It is very basic which makes it very easy to read and understand, therefore making it effective and ensures it does the job its supposed to do which is helping the audience know which song is where on the CD.
I will use this research along with the other digipack's that I have analysed to help me design my own digipack. This is ideal as it will allow me to ensure I use similar conventions on my digipack that will allow me to produce the best possible digipack. Also by looking at previous digipack's, I can use some of the other artists ideas and incorporate these, along with my own ideas into my digipack that I will produce.

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