This is a Plan B song from his album 'Strickland Banks'.
The video throughout uses lots of stereotypes. The main one is the social stereotype of woman staying in at home, while the man is out working, making money. This is a stereotypical stereotype and makes the video seem very realistic, whilst helping us to concentrate on the hidden message behind this.
There are many different shots in this music video. The most common is the extreme close up. This is significant because it is used to help express and portray each characters feelings and emotions. This for example, when Plan B's girlfriend becomes upset and worried when her boyfriend doesn't answer his phone and doesn't arrive home, even though she has cooked him dinner.
Also these shots are used to help show other things, for example when we see the sauce rising as she is cooking dinner. The rising of the sauce could have connotations of her feelings, showing she is happy and excited to be able to cook for her man, however this shortly turns into sadness and anger, as we see the sauce become less. This could again connote her feelings, or suggest the idea of her hope of seeing her man at home for dinner tonight slowly fading. Finally it could connote her feelings of being worried, and the concern as to why her man isn't home, and maybe starting to think about what we can see.
We see two main settings in this music video, the first is the house, where we see Bank's girlfriend primarily. At this house we get an establishing shot, which shows us a stereotypical 80's bedroom. Also we can tell this by the choice of woman's clothing. It is very bright and stands out. Also we see a short perm, again implying the time period and being a stereotypical 80's hair style. The other setting we see is the arena where Strickland Banks is performing. This has a Motown/80's feel to it given the tables, chairs and traditional silver microphone that we see him using when performing. All this implies the time period is the 80's. Also the stereotypical black and white suit, connoting the time era of the 80's again.
The lyrics of the song also match the moving images that we can see. In one part of the song, the lyrics are 'we aren't over but the writings on the wall, this time next year we will be no more'. This implies Strickland Banks doesn't expect the relationship to last, and is saying that they are still together, but there are many reasons why they could be over. At the end of the music video, we then see Strickland Banks with another lady, therefore we all feel for his actual girlfriend, meaning the audience connect to the music video and we feel the same emotions that Bank's girlfriend must also be feeling.
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